How to Measure, Manage & Improve Fleet Carbon Emissions

November 10
8:00 AM - 8:45 AM
California Ballroom

Shannon Keck

Gretchen Reese

Heikki Laine

Are delays to fleet electrification putting pressure on your organization’s decarbonization timeline? Using data analytics and actual use cases, this seminar will demonstrate specific actions to lower carbon emissions – “low-hanging fruit” – that have the highest immediate impact, apart from an electrification plan. Attendees will then understand methods to collect the data, establish a baseline, and demonstrate improvements to executive leadership. Finally, panelists will share how to engage partners both internally and externally to maximize your decarbonization efforts.

Moderator: Shannon Keck,Wheels; Panelists: Gretchen Reese, Utilimarc; Heikki Laine, Widesense