Session Sponsor

FSC Opening Keynote: Fleet Safety Is Not a Priority

November 08
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
California Ballroom

Brian Fielkow

Okay, so the title got your attention. But what does it mean? Join renowned business executive, author and speaker Brian Fielkow for answers — and be prepared to break free from the rulebooks on fleet safety. You’ll understand the real cost of safety failures beyond insurance loss runs; how compliance doesn’t mean you’re safe; how safety can’t be confined to a department; how even minor incidences need to be treated the same as major crashes, and much more. Recognized by National Safety Council as a “CEO Who Gets It,” Brian will bring his 30+ years of experience to empower the audience with practical, hands-on tools essential for fostering and sustaining a culture of safety. Attendees will also get to take home a copy of his book, Leading People Safety.